Our Mission
The Coney Island Sharks has been a community-based organization for the past 33 years. Our mission is to ensure that our youth are not influenced by the social platitudes of our community by providing a FREE youth program that not only includes sports but life skills through mentoring, tutoring, youth council, arts, and community service.
The initiative was born out of concern and desire to give disadvantaged children and youth who are affected by poverty, poor health, illiteracy, gun violence, gang activity, and drug/substance abuse, an opportunity to be removed from those elements by allowing them to play a sport that they wanted to play but could not financially afford. Once the participant has registered, our program mandates academic support, mentoring, youth council, and community service. The sport would be an introduction to the program’s desire to encourage, support and rehabilitate the youth struggling with the plights of their community. If our youth love their mind, body, and community, they are more likely to succeed and accomplish their personal goals.

Upcoming Events
Gala - TBD
Virginia Trip - TBD
Fall Season Begins 9/28/24
Programs Schedule:
Football Practice: (Fall)
Mondays @ 6pm - Kaiser Park
Wednesdays @ 6pm - Kaiser Park
Fridays @6pm - Kaiser Park
Saturdays @12pm - Kaiser Park
Cheer Practice: (Fall)
Mondays @ 6pm - Kaiser Park
Wednesdays @ 6pm - Kaiser Park
Fridays @6pm - Kaiser Park
Saturdays @12pm - Kaiser Park
​​Homework Help/Literacy Program
Mondays - Thursdays @ 3pm-6pm @ Searise Community Center
SBYA - Youth Council: (Fall)
Thursdays @ 6pm
Searise Community Center
Home Field:
Kaiser Park - Neptune Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11224
3415 Neptune Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11224
(347) 460-5675
Email: SharksYouthProgram@gmail.com
